What Is the Previous Or Next Button For Magento 2 and Why It Is Useful?

Building an e-commerce website is challenging, as a website owner you need to give priority to correcting many drawbacks that lead to sales losses. Customers don't want to buy from a website that includes a lengthy buying process. The lengthy buying process and poor navigation will ultimately lose a customer. By default, Magento does not support a navigation button, but it is very important to have this function on your website for a user-friendly experience.  

This is where the Previous or Next button extension comes to help you. The extension on your website allows your customers to navigate fast and effortlessly. The button makes your website user-friendly by letting a website visitor buy from your website without following a lengthy process. Give the best experience to your customers and add this extension by Webiators to ensure quick buying. 

How does Previous Or Next Button Work?

The Magento previous/Next product extension by Webiators allows users to navigate between previous, and next products of the same category on the product page with a single click. Customers can view all the products from a single page with the help of this extension. A single click is needed to browse other products, or the Back button to go back to the category.

Features Of Previous Or Next Button

  • Navigation options from one product to another in a single click. 

  • Improved store shopping experience. 

  • Ensures quick buying process. 

  • Easy Navigation reduces the chances of cart abandonment. 

  • Compatible with other store functions

How to Install Previous Or Next Button Extension

Download the "Ready to paste" package from your customer's area, unzip it and upload the all files in 'the app/code/Webiators/PreviousNextProduct folder to your Magento install dir. 

Update the Database: Move to the Magento Root directory with CLI and execute the below commands:

● PHP bin/Magento setup:upgrade 

● PHP bin/Magento setup:di:compile 

● PHP bin/Magento setup:static-content:deploy 

● PHP bin/Magento cache:flush

How to Use: Go to Stores >> Configuration >> Webiators >> Previous Next Product

General Setting: Enable module from General and update configurations as per your needs

Enable: Choose "Yes" to Enable the module. 

Display Previous Product Navigation: Choose "Yes" to display the previous product navigation or "No" to hide it.

Display Next Product Navigation: Choose "Yes", to display the next product navigation or "No" to hide it. 

Display Back to Category Page: Choose "Yes", to display the back-to-category link on the navigation or "No" to hide it. 

Select Layout: Select the layout type of the Previous Next Product Navigation

Layout 1: Previous and Next button on the right side, Back to a category link on the left side

Layout 2: Previous and Next button on the left side, Back to the category link on the right side

Show Product Thumbnail Image on Popup: Choose "Yes" to show the product thumbnail image on the popup. 

Max Product Name Length Displayed on Popup: Set the maximum length/character of the product name shown on the popup.

Text for Previous Button: Edit text for the previous button. 

Text for Next Button: Edit text for the next button. 

In conclusion, the previous and next extensions magento 2 is a brilliant navigated product that makes the user experience better and helps customers in quick shopping.

Visit for more information, https://store.webiators.com/


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